Research & Special Projects

The Early Learning Coalition of Orange County is proud of its Research and Special Projects programs that provide unique services and enrichment for children and early childhood teachers.

They play an important role in enhancing the quality of early childhood education and developmental services. 

The Early Learning Coalition Business Institute is in session. Early Learning business owners sit in classroom-style seats, watching a lesson. Many of them are taking notes.

Business Institute for Early Learning Entrepreneurs

The Business Institute for Early Learning Entrepreneurs offers professional development programs to help early learning providers and directors manage their businesses effectively.

We aim to assist them in establishing a financially stable business to support high-quality early childhood education in our communities.

Our programs are led by experienced business professionals from the community who provide expertise in critical business areas such as credit management, revenue forecasting, budget planning, and marketing strategies.

The Business Institute is open to early childhood owners and directors in Orange, Brevard, Osceola, and Seminole counties. 

Artist in Residence Program

The Artist in Residence program helps build creativity in young children from infants through VPK. We collaborate with partners in the community, including the Orlando Ballet, the Orlando Philharmonic Symphony, and Central Florida Community Arts.

Working with the Artist in Residence Creativity Coach, teachers build a deeper understanding of how to integrate learning standards with creative activities throughout the day. Participating programs may receive visits from the Orlando Ballet's First Steps program, have their infant & toddler classrooms experience CFC Arts' Bach & Babies program, or participate in the Orlando Philharmonic Symphony's Instrument Petting Zoo & Symphony Storytime. A fun & creative adventure awaits children and teachers!

A teacher and toddler smile together.

Infant and Toddler Mentoring Program

As a caregiver, you strongly desire to provide your child with the best possible care. You want your child to feel safe, motivated, and loved in an environment that promotes physical and mental growth. The ABC Infant/Toddler Care program assists teachers and directors in exemplifying the most effective early learning practices. This program equips teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide attentive care and foster language development, ensuring your child receives exceptional care.

The most significant growth and development occurs during the initial three years of life. Providing quality and responsive care in infant/toddler classrooms in underserved communities is particularly challenging. Studies have shown that children who receive high-quality care experience long-term benefits, including improved language development, better relationships, and decreased conflict.

The Early Learning Coalition of Orange County (ELCOC) partners with the Orlando Magic Youth Foundation to increase the quality of learning programs in low-income areas. This is achieved by implementing coaching, mentoring, and training with the support of our ELCOC specialist. Providers and teachers play a key role in early childhood development. With our support and training, they will provide quality care to children because “the first 2000 days matter the most.”

Circle of Security Attachment Program

The importance of early childhood teachers in the growth and development of young children cannot be overstated. Children spend significant time with their teachers, who have a crucial role in shaping their futures.

Circle of Security training is a valuable tool that helps teachers create responsive and meaningful connections with children. This training equips teachers with the skills to understand a child's needs based on their behavior cues. It also helps them identify when a child needs comfort, support, or assistance with managing their feelings.

By implementing this training, teachers can build a more connected, calm, and secure relationship with each child. They can also learn how to encourage and support children as they explore their environment.

a teacher sits at a table in an early learning center, surrounded by four students. The children are doing an activity, and the teacher smiles at their work.


ELCOC believes every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment, however, it can be challenging when a child seems distant, displays problematic behavior, or avoids connecting with the staff caring for them.

It's crucial to understand that children who are hard to reach are sometimes dealing with traumatic events or have experienced trauma before. Teachers and caregivers must approach such situations with empathy and compassion, knowing that the child may need extra support. 

This is why ELCOC offers a comprehensive four-hour educator training session that includes informative materials, group discussions, activities, and time for reflection. This training focuses on trauma-informed care, providing the necessary tools to understand the impact of trauma on children and their families. 

By developing skills and approaches that support individuals experiencing trauma, educators can create a safe and supportive environment for everyone.

We are committed to providing the support and resources necessary to make a safe and nurturing environment for every child reality.

Great Gardens

The Great Gardens Project is designed to establish vegetable gardens in early childhood programs, to facilitate young children’s understanding of healthy eating. The target population is young children, three to age five in child care programs in the City of Orlando.
Gardening Benefits includes:
• Offers professional development training for early childhood providers.
• Supports healthy food choices among young children and their families.
• Highlights the importance of taking care of the environment.
• Children are more likely to try new vegetables and fruits when actively engaged in gardening.