Early childhood education is one of the most important and impactful careers you can pursue.

Getting Started in Early Childhood Education

To become an early childhood educator, you must have a high school diploma and enroll in the Department of Children and Families 45 Training Hours. 

You can enroll for the required hours at the Early Learning Coalition for Orange County’s Institute for Early Learning (I4EL).

(The coursework is free through our Institute for Early Learning if you are hired by one of our contracted Early Care and Education Programs.)

Finding Work in Early Childhood Education in Orange County

To find a job with one of our Contracted Early Care and Education Programs, visit Early Learning Jobs FL active jobs.

You can apply directly through this link. So be prepared and have your resume ready.

Early Care and Education Programs are looking for dynamic professionals from all backgrounds who have a passion for young children. Additionally, the hours are great for those seeking consistent scheduling and paid time off. Be sure not to wait and apply now!

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