What is Inclusion?
Inclusion supports the right that all children, regardless of their diverse abilities, can participate fully in a child care program or learning environment. This includes increased community awareness for equal access to early learning opportunities for all children, including those with disabilities and special health care needs.
What are the benefits of Inclusion?
- Children with special needs have opportunities to learn skills by observing and imitating their peers.
- Children learn empathy, compassion and cooperation.
- All families have the opportunity to teach their children about individual differences and diversity.
- Communities become more accepting and supportive of all people.
Here's how we help

Our Inclusion Specialists provide assistance and consultation to child care centers and family child care homes regarding health, development, disability, and special needs issues. Our specialists share techniques and strategies to help children obtain the maximum benefits from their early learning experience. Inclusion services connect parents and early learning providers to additional resources for children with special needs. Lastly, ongoing training on inclusion opportunities is available for all Orange County child care and early learning educators.
Reasons why you might reach out to the Inclusion Services Division:
- If you are unsure if your child is meeting their developmental milestones and you want peace of mind.
- If you have spoken to your pediatrician and don't know what to do next.
- If you worry that your child's behavior isn't "typical."
- If you want to feel supported or to connect with other families going through similar issues.
- If you are a teacher and aren't sure how to best support a child in your classroom.
- If you are a child care provider and are providing quality services to children with extra needs.
What support does the Inclusion Services Division offer?
Inclusion & Diagnostics Specialists can offer screenings in the form of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), Batelle Developmental Inventory (BDI), Preschool Language Screening (PLS), and observations. Each Inclusion & Diagnostics Specialist has enormous experience working with childcare providers and families, as well as children in all stages of development. Inclusion & Diagnostics Specialists need parental consent prior to screening any child.
If you are a family that needs support in other ways our Peer Support Specialists (PSS) can help families navigate the many systems a family encounters on their journey. The Peer Support Specialists also hold monthly parent support meetings full of useful information, so families have a chance to interact with other families needing support, or simply wanting to be a part of a community. Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month.