Professional Development

ELCOC Professional Development Mission

Our mission is to ensure that our early childhood educators are well-prepared to provide high-quality education and care that ultimately benefit the children they serve.

Meet our Professional Development Team

Arelis Pantojas

Professional Development Coordinator

Melissa Gish

Professional Development Specialist

Xiomarys Vazquez

Professional Development Specialist

Programs and Services


The Institute 4 Early Learning (Institute4EL)

The Institute for Early Learning offers professional development opportunities for early childhood professionals to enhance their practices and skills in the field of early care and education. The purpose is to enhance the quality of early childhood education by equipping educators with advanced skills and knowledge.

Our training courses are face-to-face, hybrid (both face-to-face and online), synchronous, and asynchronous.

For more information on our CDA Program and other professional development opportunities, access our institute4el by clicking the button below.


Institute4EL CDA Alumni Network

Melissa Gish

ICAN Chair

The ICAN vision is to keep CDA recipients of the Institute4EL’s CDA Program engaged in the early childhood field and to support their continued professional development and education goals. ICAN provides opportunities for its members to network with one another and offer peer support to each other. ICAN events include speakers that highlight opportunities for continued professional development and education, as well as practical strategies that members can use in the classroom.  

Accreditation Academy

Deeksha Aradhya

Accreditation Academy Coordinator

The Accreditation Academy at the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County is dedicated to excellence. We offer personalized training and financial support to early care providers as they pursue accreditation from nationally recognized educational associations.

They Did It!

Every year over 100 CDA Orange County early childhood educators receive their CDA® credentials awarded by the Council for Professional Recognition through our CDA® Program. Every year, the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County honors and celebrates their successes with a CDA celebration and a pinning ceremony, a symbol to their commitment to the early childhood profession and a representation of their hard-earned knowledge and skills.

Our quarterly ICAN meetings are designed to support continuous education and provide a platform for sharing knowledge and mutual learning.

"It's Okay to Play in VPK" is a hands-on training program offered by our Institute4el. Participants learn why play is critical to the development of young children and how to intentionally teach and reinforce standards through developmentally appropriate, everyday activities.

Training Calendar