Florida’s School Readiness Program
Financial assistance, parental support, and early learning opportunities for eligible Orange County families
Besides loving their children, parents and guardians are responsible for meeting their family's basic needs, such as food and shelter. As in many societies, parents need to work to provide these things and require dependable child care to make this happen. ELCOC recognizes that quality affordable daycare and early childhood development programs can be expensive and often outside the reach of some families.

The good news is that Florida's School Readiness Program, administered in Orange County by ELCOC, helps to end this frustrating cycle.
The program provides eligible families financial assistance to enroll their children in quality child care and early learning programs. It is a win for the whole family: potentially disadvantaged children will be prepared to enter kindergarten ready to learn, while parents can work toward becoming financially independent.
The School Readiness Program also recognizes parents as their child's first and most important teachers and role models.
In addition to providing financial childcare assistance, the program strengthens the family by providing information on parenting and child development and opportunities for parents to engage with their child's early education.
The School Readiness Program includes:
- Parent training on child development milestones and family well-being
- Screening to assess each child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development and recommend any necessary resources and assistance
- Referrals to any needed health and educational specialists
- Opportunities for parental involvement
- Child care services based on individual needs, which may include:
- extended day and extended year care
- after-school care
- school-age child care
- Assistance locating and choosing a child care provider through the Child Care Resource and Referral services (CCR&R)

The School Readiness Program works in cooperation with other programs for young children, such as the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) program.
How to apply
To apply for School Readiness, CLICK HERE. For further instructions, watch the video below:
ELCOC School Readiness Referral Programs
If you are a case worker in Partnership with ELCOC Child Care referrals, please fill out form and upload referrals or case closure terminations below.
Report Eligibility Changes
If you already receive School Readiness services by the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County and need to report a change, fill out the form below. Please note, you are required to report changes affecting your eligibility within 10 calendar days of the occurrence, including: changes in employment, school, income, marital status, pregnancy, family size/living arrangements, address, contact information, or child(ren) not attending childcare. Also, you may be required to upload documentation into your Family Portal. If you only want to change childcare provider or suspend enrollment, please stop, and complete those specific request forms.
The Early Learning Coalition of Orange County will send you an email notification regarding your status within 2 business days.
Suspended Enrollment
If you already receive School Readiness services by the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County and need to temporarily suspend enrollment (break-in-service), fill out the form below. Parents/Guardians are required to submit the request form at least 72 hours before the date the suspended enrollment is needed. If a request is submitted after the suspended enrollment date, you may be responsible for any charges that may occur. Please review child attendance policies and provide proof of a zero balance.
Please Note:
- Your provider will be notified of your request for a Break-In-Service.
- Break-In-Service can be authorized for a maximum of 90 days.
- Failure to contact the ELCOC before suspended enrollment expires will jeopardize continuation of School Readiness services.
- To complete this request, you may have to log in to the Family Portal to electronically sign your certificate once contacted by ELCOC.
- You must have a zero balance or proof of payment arrangements made with your current provider to request a Break-In-Service. If you do not have a zero balance, this request will be voided, and you will have to resubmit.
- Break-In-Services cannot be backdated, and you may be responsible for any charges that occur prior to approval.
- Requests received after 4 p.m., on a weekend or holiday may not be assigned until the following business day.
- Once you have completed the electronic signature, you and the provider will be able to view the certificate in the Portal.
Provider Transfer
If you already receive School Readiness services by the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County and need to change your current childcare provider, fill out the form below. Parents/Guardians are required to submit the request form at least 72 hours before the date the new provider transfer is needed. If a request is submitted after attending the new provider, you may be responsible for any charges that may occur. If a request is submitted during your recertification, please also notify your assigned Family Services Specialist. Please review child attendance policies and provide proof of a zero balance.
Please Note:
- You should not complete this request for a Coalition Transfer. Please click Contactussr.elcoc.org.
- To complete the transfer, you must log in to the Family Portal to electronically sign your certificate once contacted by ELCOC.
- You must have a zero balance or proof of payment arrangements made with your current provider to transfer. If you do not have a zero balance, this request will be voided, and you will have to resubmit.
- You must select a valid Early Learning Coalition of Orange County School Readiness contracted provider and speak to them to verify space is available for your child(ren) to start attending prior to submitted request.
- Transfers cannot be backdated, and you may be responsible for any charges that occur prior to approval date.
- Transfer requests received after 4 p.m., on a weekend or holiday may not be assigned until the following business day.
- Once you have completed the electronic signature, you and the provider will be able to view the certificate in the Portal.
The Early Learning Coalition of Orange County will send you an email notification regarding your status within 3 business days.
Which childcare providers participate in the School Readiness Program?
All participating providers must meet standards established by Florida’s Office of Early Learning as well as state and federal health and safety requirements.
Parents can choose to enroll their children in a variety of qualified early learning centers, including:
- Private childcare centers and schools
- Faith-based childcare centers
- Family childcare homes
The funding you receive to help pay for your childcare are Childcare Development Funds (CCDF). CCDF is federal funding designed to provide equal access to a range of high‐quality childcare for eligible children. CCDF funds provide opportunities for School Readiness providers to receive training and technical assistance to enhance the quality of their childcare programs and the early
childhood workforce. These funds are also used to help connect parents with consumer education and provide access to a full range of childcare choices.
Your early learning coalition contracts with childcare providers to provide school readiness services. These providers must meet or
exceed state and local requirements for health and safety. We recommend you review the inspection information for the provider
you have selected to care for your child. The inspection reports will provide information on the following: the date of the provider’s last health and safety inspection, past three years of inspection reports, with a history of any health and/or safety violations, provider’s Gold Seal status.
Here are some helpful resources:
- Provider Inspection Reports & Information
- Department of Children and Families: 1 (866) 352‐2842 or 1 (866 )762‐2237 or visit
- Department of Children and Families: 1 (866) 352‐2842 or 1 (866 )762‐2237 or visit
- Health & Safety Requirements for School Readiness Childcare Providers
- Voluntary Quality Standards (QRIS) for Childcare Providers
- There is no statewide QRIS in Florida, but many counties have established local systems for improving program quality. Contact your local early learning coalition to learn more about the QRIS in your county.
- Parent Guide to Uploading for SR Recertification.
- Parent Guide to Uploading for New SR Enrollment.
- Instructions for How to Sign a SR Certificate.
- To submit a complaint, fill out our Grievance Form.
- You can find other important enrollment information HERE.
The Early Learning Coalition of Orange County also provides Childcare Resource and Referral (CCR&R) services.
CCR&R is the front door for family services in your county. CCR&R staff will let you know about community resources, childcare
listings and other information that may be of assistance to you. Please contact your early learning coalition and ask to speak to a
CCR&R specialist for further assistance.
If you have any questions or need any further assistance with your childcare provider, you may contact us at 407-841-6607.
To contact our school readiness team for any other reason, click the button below.
What is School Readiness (SR)?
School Readiness (SR) is a statewide child care financial assistance program that allows eligible families to offset the expense for quality child care providers. This partial scholarship is used to improve the lives of families to become financially independent and their children to have access to early learning education to be successful in school. Children are eligible from birth through 12 years old. If you and your family meet the eligibility guidelines and reside in Orange County, you may qualify for child care funding by applying to our waitlist HERE.
What are the eligibility requirements?
- Parents or guardians work or attend school (educational/training) at least 20 hours per week. (Obtaining a master’s degree does not qualify).
- Disabled/Exempt from working, as documented by a licensed physician or Social Security Award letter.
- Parents or guardians that receive cash assistance for their child(ren) only.
- Generally, a families’ total household income to enroll must not exceed 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Families pay a copayment for child care based on total gross income and family size. You can find your copayment based on the 24-25 Sliding Fee Scale.
- Families who were using School Readiness services but transitioned out due to increased income may still qualify for child care under SR Plus if they make less than or equal to the State Median Income.
How do I apply for School Readiness?
You will need your personal email address, access to the internet on device (cellphone, desktop, or laptop) to create a Family Portal account online and a document to upload that meets eligibility guidelines. You may review our Eligibility downloadable forms HERE.
To apply, click HERE to go to Florida’s Early Learning Family Portal and apply for School Readiness as a new or returning user. The Portal is compatible with Google or Internet Explorer browser; Apple Safari browser is not compatible.
Once you apply your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by email with a status update. If you receive Active status, that means you are placed on the waitlist. There is no definite answer to how long you will be on the waitlist; further processing depends on funding priorities and availability. Please revalidate your application every six (6) months or your name will be removed from the waitlist. Don't forget to monitor your emails as this will be the primary method of communication, and to notify ELCOC be filling out our SR contact form.
I have a Family Portal account, but I can't remember my username.
Please contact the ELCOC Call Center at 407-841-6607.
Do not create a new account as that will not link to your current eligibility.
How does ELCOC contact me?
While the primary method of contact will be by email. ELCOC may also need to reach you by phone. Please make sure that the ELCOC has your current phone number and email address. If you need to make changes to your contact information, please contact us at by filling out our SR contact form.
If I already have an existing VPK account, can I use the same account for SR services?
Yes. Please log on to the Family Portal account you have already created. If you are experiencing difficulties, please contact the ELCOC Call Center at 407-841-6607. Do not create a new account as that will not link to your current eligibility.
How do I report changes?
- If you are on the School Readiness program, please request a report change by filling out our eligibility change form.
- If you are not on the School Readiness program, please contact us by filling out our SR contact form.
- If you need to contact the VPK department, please contact us at VPKOrange@elcoc.org.
Our trained Child Care Resource and Referral team is available to assist you, at no cost, to discuss other options that might be available while you wait. For information on CCR&R services, please call 407-841-6607, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or by email at ccrrorange@elcoc.org.
How do I submit my School Readiness Redetermination?
- Log into your Family Portal account and scroll to the School Readiness Funding section. Click on the blue “Eligibility Verification” button. This will direct you to the Eligibility Wizard. Click "Start" to begin the process.
- Tip: It is best to have all the required documents when you are submitting your School Readiness Redetermination. The wizard will not allow you to move to the next step until all information is filled out and all documents are uploaded in the step you are working on.
- You may view the Document checklist and retrieve Eligibility downloadable forms HERE. All documents uploaded must be current within recent consecutive four (4) weeks, legible and not expired.
- Click to “Submit Eligibility Verification.”
- Once the ELC completes your redetermination, you will receive an email directing you back to the Family Portal. Log into the Family Portal. Under the School Readiness Funding section, you will click on the blue “Sign” button next to each of your child(ren)’s name(s).
- You will be asked to read and accept the Parental Rights and Responsibilities/Terms and Conditions. Please electronically sign the Payment Certificate exactly as your name appears on the account to complete the process.
If you need assistance with uploading or electronically signing, you may call us 407-841-6607 for assistance.
Can I extend my Redetermination Date?
Redetermination dates cannot be extended. Clients are informed of their redetermination date at the time their care is processed, which can also be found on the Certificate of Authorization that was electronically signed in the Family Portal. Clients also receive reminders 45 days prior to their redetermination date, 30 days prior to their redetermination date, and 15 days prior to their redetermination date allowing clients plenty of time to submit their documents. Once submitted, we will need at least ten (10) business days for processing. As a reminder to recertify, please mark your calendar 45 days before your certificate expires and make sure the ELCOC has your current contact information on file.
My case was terminated. How can I have my case reviewed again?
In order for your case to be reviewed after termination, a Grievance Form must be submitted. Grievance Forms must be submitted within 14 days of the termination or incident along with any and all necessary documentation.
I lost my job. Am I going to lose my childcare?
You may not automatically lose your childcare. Please remember that you have 10 calendar days to report any changes in your household to the coalition by filling out our eligibility change form. Once reported, you will receive an email directing you on what documents to upload. Next, your case will be reviewed to determine if you qualify for continued services.
How does my School Readiness provider get approved for Special Needs rates?
If your child has special needs and your child care provider is providing special needs services, they may be eligible to receive a higher rate of payment. Your provider can request this higher rate by contacting the ELCOC and completing a Special Needs Rate Request Form.
The special needs rate approval process cannot be completed without the proper documentation from you and active services.
• Individualized Education Plan (IEP): This document is generated by the school system and will either have the initials IEP or ‘Individualized Education Plan’ spelled out in bold at the top of the first page. The IEP should be less than a year old.
• Family Support Plan (FSP): This document is for children ages birth – three years old and is generated by the Early Intervention Program for the State of Florida. The Howard Phillips Center or Children’s Medical Services (CMS) draws up this plan locally; a FSP could also come from Orange County Public Schools. You may also see “Part C” on the paperwork. The FSP should be less than six (6) months old.
• Therapy Evaluations: These evaluations may be several pages long and will generally have a bold heading stating:
o Occupational Therapy Evaluation- signed with the credentials OTR.
o Physical Therapy Evaluation- signed with the credentials PT.
o Speech Language Therapy Evaluation- signed with the credentials SLP CCC.
o Behavioral Evaluation- signed by a licensed behavioral may include MS Therapy evaluations should be less than six (6) months old.
• Other documents identifying a child’s special needs may be accepted on a case-by-case basis, upon the approval of the ELCOC.
• Once your provider has submitted all the necessary documents to the ELCOC, they will be reviewed for final approval.
• School Readiness services must be active for the child you are applying for Special Needs funding to complete the final approval.
• Providers should contact the ELCOC at 407-841-6607 for questions related to the specials needs rates approval process.